Ever see the movie Beverly Hills Cops, where Eddy Murphy tells the two officers tat they are not just cops but 'Super Cops' ?
Case in point.
couple of weeks ago an elder took a young man aside and crawled all over him after the tms for wearing a "skinny" tie.
it was one of those 2 inch wide ties.
nothing bright or scandalous about.
Ever see the movie Beverly Hills Cops, where Eddy Murphy tells the two officers tat they are not just cops but 'Super Cops' ?
Case in point.
couple of weeks ago an elder took a young man aside and crawled all over him after the tms for wearing a "skinny" tie.
it was one of those 2 inch wide ties.
nothing bright or scandalous about.
couple of weeks ago an elder took a young man aside and crawled all over him after the tms for wearing a "skinny" tie.
it was one of those 2 inch wide ties.
nothing bright or scandalous about.
debating this was going to be the last day in field service was not hard after dealing with a nasty mess because i was grouped with the misfits of the kingdom hall!
i was reading this website on my phone while something started to stink in my car and one of the weird kids nobody wanted to work with yelled "hey, you leaking all over my seat, he was freaked out too!
" the older, retired elder, his pioneer daughter had forgotten to put his depends on and that became my problem.
Eric post, hilarious ! Once went out with asn elderly couple I have known since childhood.
The brother stepped in some dog crap and then came back into my car, hehe ! Good thing I still hade my rubber winter carpets and that it was a rainy day, was so funny. Him being German and the way he acted made it even better. Good memories, going to drive out and see them this summer.
with all the negativity here i was wondering if i am the only one here that's a witness.
the topic pretty much says everything..
Paradise B, was not me was quoting a brother above, what I do now is copy paste the originator of said comment when quoting, sorry for the confusion. I won't be in the T school for a long time yet on account of anxiety.
I was just agreeing with him ( wifibandit )
i went to a j.w funeral and saw some people i used to hang out with many years ago and they all seemed to want to tell me if they or any member of their family were elders,m.s's,pioneers ect.. karter..
Ha ! No way I'll ever show up at a hall with an Ipad ! Simplicity rules.
Look at ME I have an ipad ! Personal choices, not for me. I really should not be judging though.i went to a j.w funeral and saw some people i used to hang out with many years ago and they all seemed to want to tell me if they or any member of their family were elders,m.s's,pioneers ect.. karter..
Cool thanks Millie, I love your Avatar ! If I make it into the new system I would like to build a few. That and machine the governors that control the speed of the equipment inside. I was orphaned, explains a lot. Jehovah is my dad now. Am a small business owner, no staff or family in JW at all, I'm in on my own. JW's gave me my bible knowledge, I started from nothing.
Ever see the 1985 movie 'Witness' with Harrison Ford, that's how I'd like to live.
the difficulty of finding a marriage mate is well known for sisters.
but i would say it's hard for brothers also.
i was talking to a jw last night.
Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, and the reason why all the JWs that are single seem unattractive is that their JW essense is to you, (or whoever) just unattractive! Not about looks, but about whether a whole person 'attracts' another person. It is easy to see the "pretty" in a person who is unavailable. Most of us can observe the pretty face and move on, dismissing them. When a person meets a prospective mate, 'attractive'is about a lot more than looks.
JWs don't like JWs. They don't want to be married to one. They may not even like themselves. They probably think they are unworthy of anyone as good as they want in anycase. If the brothers you know are not seeeing any attractive single sisters, it is because they simply don't want to be married to a JW. Objectively, there are a lot of pretty single JW women. And men. And froggy ones, too. But what sane person wants to marry into that mess?
A pretty,yet pious JW is kind of like a frosted turd. And while we often make wrong decisions with marriage mates, most have SOME instincts for survival. Being a JW destroys the sense of self and destroys our trust and faith in others to have anything good in them, either. It is the guilty folks that suspect others of dishonesty the most. Same principle applies. NOt about actual guilt, but the sense that we are just unworthy and undeserving of anything good. You get told that enough, you believe it.
For the first time since I've joined this forum, I'm quoting the entirety of someone else's post. JWdaughter said something profound here that I don't want overlooked. I've known a ton of pretty, single, spiritual sisters in my time as a Witness -- some incredibly beautiful -- and I never desired to get to know any of them. I didn't know why. I just felt like it would be a really bad idea to get married for some reason. Since marriages are forever in JW Land (unless adultery occurs), it would mean a commitment that I couldn't take back, and something told me that this would be a huge mistake, no matter who I married. I told myself that the reason I resisted the idea of commitment was that, as an imperfect human, I couldn't be sure that I would make a good choice in finding a mate that I would then be stuck with for an infinite amount of time in the new system.
Looking back, things are finally becoming clear for me. I understand now that the one attribute all these girls had in common which made them undesirable was the very thing I thought I admired in them: their spirituality. If they hadn't been sincere about the religion then I would not have respected them, because I hate two-faced people. So yes, I respected these sisters for taking the religion seriously and for dressing modestly and giving good talks, etc.... but they all just seemed eminently unmarriageable. I didn't know why until now. I think one part of it was JWdaughter's suggestion that I just felt unworthy to be with anyone that I would actually want as a marriage mate. I also think it's because, if I married a Witness, I would have been committing to not just her, but the religion, and there was a little voice in my head warning me not to.
Great post above, and now it's a four fold cord : you, your wife, Jehovah and Big Daddy Government. No thanks !! Never wanted children anyhow, being single is how I stay safe. I'll wait it out a few more years and find someone at least a decade younger.
the difficulty of finding a marriage mate is well known for sisters.
but i would say it's hard for brothers also.
i was talking to a jw last night.
i went to a j.w funeral and saw some people i used to hang out with many years ago and they all seemed to want to tell me if they or any member of their family were elders,m.s's,pioneers ect.. karter..
I gave you a like